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ratatui is a standard rust crate and can be installed into your app using the following command:

Terminal window
cargo add ratatui

or by adding the following to your Cargo.toml file:

ratatui = "0.28.0"

By default, ratatui enables the crossterm feature, but it’s possible to alternatively use termion, or termwiz instead by enabling the appropriate feature and disabling the default features. See Backend for more information.

::: note

Before Ratatui 0.27.0, it was necessary to import a backend crate that matched the backend feature. In 0.27.0 Ratatui now exports the backend crates at the root to make it easier to ensure a matching version of the backend crate is used.


For Termion:

Terminal window
cargo add ratatui --no-default-features --features termion

or in your Cargo.toml:

ratatui = { version = "0.28.0", default-features = false, features = ["termion"] }

For Termwiz:

Terminal window
cargo add ratatui --no-default-features --features termwiz

or in your Cargo.toml:

ratatui = { version = "0.28.0", default-features = false, features = ["termwiz"] }